Why a vacation rental home needs a name and which one to choose?

Why a vacation rental home needs a name and which one to choose?

If you have taken seriously the fact that your property is for vacation rental, your home should be recognized for something. In this article we want to explain the importance of this little detail. How to create a brand so that tourists are attracted to their identity is not an easy task.

Through a sign or a brand that relates to your home, we can get to know a revolving door of incredibly interesting and faithful travelers for our holiday home. Basically, it is to generate a sign, a something, a slogan that the clients from their countries of origin can identify the house, better something that is related to the history or to some anecdote of the house. As you can imagine, you will spend many hours thinking about what to do, how to do it, just imagine something that will excite you and certainly will also excite your guests.

To give you an example, I’m sure that when you listen to Costa Rica, you think of the jungle or when you see the Eiffel Tower you think of France, because something similar, but in small you should do with your house, your little nation. Creating an ID for your small vacation rental business is a significantly less intensive task than a country, but just because your property is not the size of, say, China, does not mean you should not be using the principles Brand fundamentals that drive the best companies (and countries) in the world. What this means is, your rent needs a brand. But first, your rent needs a name. You can see that most villas in Costa Rica have an interesting name as their brand. Click here to get more information.

There is a reason why we need a name, it is because a name / brand is the fastest way to identify a vacation home, and what a vacation home has to offer and yes, your rent is a business, it is also a brand. So if the most successful brands in the world (and countries) are using names and logos to record their identity in the hearts and minds of their customers, why can not a holiday home do it?

Really thinking about an entity for your home will not be an easy task. Your name will be or is the face of your rental potential for the world: it’s like a promise – a way to attract new travelers and retain former guests. The owners of Dominican villas have proven that the brand is so important to attract a lot of customers.


So why should we name it with names that are too complicated or sadly unoriginal?

Owners who have a good name for their vacation rental receive more reservations than owners who do not. Giving your rent a name, an identity, even a logo means organization, professionalism, cleanliness, thought and care: all of which are traits that travelers seek. But what I am going to say is very important, how to associate a product to choose your vacation spot is also very important for future tourists.

