To Infinity and Beyond! A Science Major’s Guide to Writing a STEM Resume

To Infinity and Beyond! A Science Major’s Guide to Writing a STEM Resume

That science degree is right around the corner. Start planning for your future in STEM! Start with this useful guide to writing a STEM resume.

Since 1990, jobs in STEM have increased by 79%. Careers in science, technology, engineering, and math are growing faster than the overall U.S. economy.

Plus, careers in science and technology also pay well. That’s why choosing a STEM degree program can be a great investment in your future.

The only trouble is, how do you land a job after graduation?

Luckily, the first step is easy: create a STEM resume. Keep reading to find out what needs to go on your resume and how to format it.

Study the Job Listings for Your Industry

Before you start writing your resume, read a few descriptions for jobs you’d like to apply for in the future. You’ll get a better idea of what employers are looking for.

Notice the keywords each company uses to describe the experience or skills they’re looking for. Think about your own experiences and how they measure up.

Start with Your Education

Before you list your education, put your name and contact information at the top of your resume. If you’re not sure how to format your resume, use a free curriculum vitae template to guide you.

Then, list your college and degree program. Many employers look for applicants with particular majors, so be specific. If you haven’t graduated yet, include your anticipated graduation month and year.

It’s also a good idea to list your GPA, especially if it’s higher than a 3.0. You can also list any awards, honors, or relevant coursework in this section.

Include a Technical Skills Section

Next, you should list any relevant technical skills you’ve learned during your college experience. Do you know any programming languages? Do you know how to use industry-specific software?

It’s also important to list how much experience you have with each skill. Make it clear which skills you have mastery or proficiency in and which ones you have minor experience with.

List Work Experience, Internships, or Extracurriculars

This section can include formal internships, relevant university clubs, or even volunteer work. Employers want to see what practical or hands-on STEM experience you have.

Under each experience, use a few bullet points to describe your duties and what you achieved. Use statistics and data to describe your results, if possible. If you worked on a team of 5 fellow classmates or you assisted in a research project that increased funding by 20%, include these details.

You can also include non-STEM experience in this section. If you work in retail or food service, you’re building valuable soft skills like teamwork, communication, and problem solving. Employers look for people who not only have strong technical skills, but who can also be a good employee and coworker.

Start Writing Your STEM Resume Today

Graduation will be here before you know it. Writing a resume before the final semester ends will start your job search on the right foot. Just remember to tailor your STEM resume to each job you apply for, and you’ll get an interview in no time.

To get more advice about entering the workforce as a college grad, check out the articles in our Careers category.

Alex huge

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