Safety Tips and Advice When Travelling To India

Travelling is a dream hobby of many wanderlust souls, but we all know that everything thing has its own set of pros and cons. The major problematic thing with travelling is to ensure your safety in a foreign place. Before stepping out of your comfort area and entering a foreign land it is really important for you to first research enough about the place you are about to go.
Researching will let you be aware about the kind of problems which you might get to face there and the solutions which can help you if you have an encounter with some problem. If you are travelling to India and are worried about your safety, then you are at the right place as here we will provide you with some safety tips and advice which will help you immensely.
1. Traffic And Over – Crowded Places
Though known as a warm and friendly country but India’s traffic and overcrowded places are also not less known. Being an over populated country, almost any and every place in India you go to will look to you as over – crowded. Before going to India, you should know that personal space and privacy is a luxury which you can afford mostly in your hotel rooms and not on the Indian streets or public places.
Hence, while standing in a queue or in a public place don’t create a scene if someone stands too close or leans on you, rather you can try and shift your position frequently to avoid the chaotic situation. Another problem which you will experience once you land in India, especially in progressive cities like New Delhi is that of roads being clogged with a sea of vehicles and ear tearing horn noises being heard. Travelling in SUV’s is not an intelligent move in India. Also, over blowing horn is not considered offensive in India, rather it is safety measure to prevent accidents.
2. Think about What You Wear!
Today, India is counted among the most progressive nations but that doesn’t mean that like other western countries you can roam about in any type of clothing at any place. Indians take their culture and tradition very seriously; hence they have different clothing rules according to their various customs.
So, you need to adjust accordingly if you don’t want to be a prey to eve teasing or extra attention. In states like Rajasthan, wearing tank tops and shorts is a big no, however while you are in Mumbai or Delhi you can go for western set of clothes. Your safety is in your own hands, so act accordingly peeps.
3. Water Disaster
Not a common problem throughout the country but in some parts, it is a serious problem. Delhi is the most famous place where drinking roadside water can result in some disaster which can show in the form of throat infection, flu, stomach infection and what not. Hence, the thing for you to always remember when in Delhi or likewise places is to not drink tap water, water from roadside vendors or even in dhabas.
So, while exploring the town make sure that you carry a bottle of reliable water with you always to prevent falling sick. Also, always look out for the seal on packaged bottles to make sure that the bottle is not refilled with impure water. Only rely on water filled from water purifiers or packaged bottles that you buy from a reputed shop. If you have a sensitive throat and stomach then prevent eating at local dhabas or from road side vendors.
We hope that following these safety tips and advice when travelling to India will ensure a fun-filled trip!