Profitable Online Home Based Business Ideas and the Recession

In this article, I would like to compare the success rates of a profitable online home based business and the average MLM. Most MLM’s don’t want the public to know that around ninety seven percent of individuals coming into their business will fail. Those are not very good statistics. It does not necessarily mean the MLM is a bad company. I believe it has everything to do with the marketing concepts and strategies of the traditional MLM.
If you compare marketing strategies of the average in-home online internet business to an MLM, you will see a vast difference. The average person in today’s world thinks they are all the same. Nothing could be further from the truth. Having done both, I can speak from experience. A great many of the most successful internet marketers have been involved with a traditional MLM at some time in their life.
I don’t mean to sound like traditional MLM’s are bad. It’s just that their marketing strategies in today’s world are wrong. I learned very valuable skills and concepts from a large traditional MLM. Skills and concepts that have brought me tremendous success in my online home based internet business. Having done both, I can see now that the traditional MLM’s marketing strategy is all backward. Let’s look at why that is.
Here’s an example. I’m sure we have all met or known that one guy who is so excited about his new “thing.” He shares it with everyone he knows. All the time. Whether we want him to or not! At times he may even have resorted to, let’s say shady tactics to share his business. He even cold contacted people in the mall or the grocery store or church to add to his name list. He may even have asked you for your friends and family’s names and numbers so he could contact them for you! We could go on, but I think you get the picture. Is something in this analogy, making sense to you? In a traditional MLM’s marketing system, you have to be the hunter, constantly looking for someone who may be interested in creating their own business from home. There are a few things wrong with this concept.
First, there is only so much one person can do. You are “weeding” through people hoping to find a few who will duplicate what you are doing. More often than not, those people you are “weeding” through are not interested at all in what you’re doing. So you have to keep weeding through your friends and family and if you don’t do it just right for you quite often alienate people. Basically, like a lion on the hunt, always looking for your next prey.
Maybe that’s a poor analogy, but I think you get the idea. Most people will become discouraged at this point and will quit. If they stay long enough to sponsor a few people, usually those ones will quit. The average person just has a hard time with rejection, so the retention rate is very low. Why not become the hunted instead of the hunter?
Wouldn’t it be much better to have people hunting for you and what you have to offer? That is the main difference between a profitable online home based internet business and the traditional MLM. When you build your business online instead of person to person, there are a few major differences. First, when you build an in-home online business, the whole world is your market place.
With the click of a button, you can send an ad out to the whole world. Your ads, your articles, and your website can work for you twenty four hours a day three hundred and sixty five days a year. You are reaching people and exposing your internet business while you are sleeping, which means you’re making money while you’re sleeping too. You cannot do those kinds of marketing strategies the old MLM way, person to person. The real beauty of online internet marketing is you are reaching people who are actually looking for something new in their lives. And if they are serious enough or interested enough, they will contact you. The system you have built online will “weed” them out for you. You become the hunted.
This is what Charmayne and I have done. This is what so many others in the home based online internet industry have done. From my experience, it is the easiest and most enjoyable way to build a business from home. Don’t just take my word for it. Search it out for yourself. There are many others who have done this too. Read their stories if you are tired of the rejections from the MLM way you owe it to yourself to try something new, something that really works. Take a step of faith, take that step today. You can do this too. We believe in you!
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